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What We Use
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Our studio is optimised to catch every detail and nuance of any vocal performance. We use only highest quality "Industry standard" microphones and hardware including the following:-




Pro Tools

Cubase Pro 12

SaDie 3.1




RME Fireface 802

MOTU 828 mk ii


Mixing Desk


Yamaha O2r96 v2

Soundcraft 800




Neumann U87ai

Neumann M147 tube

Audio Technica AT4033 x 2

Aston Microphones Spirit x 2

Se Titan x 2

AKG C451 x 4

Rode NT1

Rode NT5 x 2

Golden Age Project R1 Active x 2

Revox M3500 x 2

DPA 4060 x 2




Focusrite Red 1 500 x 2

Focusrite Green Voicebox

Focusrite Green Dual Mic Pre x 2

Apogee Mini Me

D.A.V. Broadhurst Gardens No.1 x 2

Art Pro MPAii

Golden Age Project Preq-73

Golden Age Project Pre 73

Lindell Audio 6X 500




Focusrite Green 4 Compressor Limiter

Focusrite Green 6 Quad Compressor Limiter

Drawmer DL221 Compressor x 2

Drawmer DS201 Gate x 2

Drawmer LX20 Compressor/Expander

Golden Age Project Comp-54 compressor

Lindell Audio 7X 500

Valvotronics Gain Ryder 3




A range of the award winning Universal Audio UAD2 Plugins, including classic compressors & EQ modules.


We can accommodate remote clients with Skype, Zoom, Source Connect Now, ipDTL and remote artists with Steinberg VST Connect Pro.


We also have some vintage analogue equipment to give your mixes that classic vintage sound.

© 2015 by How Now Productions.

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